Aplus Framework

Long-Term Support

Aplus Framework receives three-year long-term support for even-year versions.

LTS versions do not receive new features, only bug and security fixes.

Current LTS Versions

Below is the table with the current LTS versions:

Version Release date End-of-life
22 2022-11-15 2025-06-18

Packages in the Current LTS Versions

Version 22

Below is the table with the packages included in version 22:

Package Version
autoload 2.0.x
cache 3.0.x
cli 2.3.x
config 3.0.x
crypto 1.0.x
database 3.2.x
database-extra 3.0.x
date 2.0.x
debug 3.3.x
dev-commands 1.0.x
email 3.2.x
events 1.4.x
factories 1.0.x
helpers 3.0.x
http 5.2.x
http-client 4.2.x
image 2.2.x
language 3.0.x
log 3.0.x
mvc 3.1.x
pagination 3.3.x
routing 3.4.x
session 3.2.x
validation 2.1.x

Installation of version 22 can be done with Composer.

Installing the framework package:

composer require aplus/framework:^22

Also, it is possible to create a new project with the app package:

composer create-project aplus/app:^22

Next Version

Below is the table with the next LTS version:

Version Release date End-of-life
24 2024-06-12 2027-06-23
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