Aplus Framework


What is a package?

Packages are installable files that can contain a specific library, project, or tool.

The two main packages of Aplus are its command line tool and the framework package.


What is a project?

Projects are packages capable of creating a pre-configured structure of folders and files to be customized.

Below are listed the official projects of Aplus Framework.

The Aplus Framework projects are: App Project, One Project and Template Project.


What is a library?

Libraries are packages that can be used in a project. Regardless of whether it is an Aplus project or not.

Below are listed the official libraries of Aplus Framework.

The Aplus Framework libraries are: Autoload Library, Cache Library, CLI Library, CLI Commands Library, Coding Standard Library, Config Library, Crypto Library, Database Library, Database Extra Library, Date Library, Debug Library, Email Library, Events Library, Factories Library, Front Library, Helpers Library, HTTP Library, HTTP Client Library, Image Library, Language Library, Log Library, Minify Library, MVC Library, Pagination Library, Routing Library, Session Library, Testing Library and Validation Library.

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